5 star rating from 3000+ verfied reviews
5 star rating from 3000+ verfied reviews
Chemistry Seminar 8th October
Dear students and parents, We would like to invite you to join our Chemistry seminar at 7:30pm on 8th of...
2023 VCE Maths Seminar
Are you interested in how you can succeed in VCE Maths Methods and Specialist Maths, or what to expect...
Summer Camps 2023
Year 5&6, Year 7&8 Intensive Scholarship Tests Training An 8-day intensive training program with...
Our IB Subjects
Language A: Literature Course The Top Scope College IB Literature course is focused on helping students...
Our VCE Subjects
English VCE Beginner Course The Top Scope College VCE Beginner English course is focused on helping...
Junior Writing
For Year 3 to Year 5 students  Top Scope College’s Junior Writing Class has been designed to equip students...
About Us
Top Scope College is one of Australia’s leading tutoring schools, offering specialised tutoring for scholarship,...
Meet Our Staff
Dr. Olivia Liang Principal Dr. Olivia Liang, the Principal of Top Scope College, has conducted research...
Top Scope Curriculum ALC: Our Accelerated Learning program is a fast-paced delivery of the standard...
School Motto
“SED MAGIS AMICA VERITAS” Adhering to our motto of “Sed Magis Amica Veritas”, “Truth...
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